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2021 MBC Men’s Health Gala Raises over $8,200

On Friday evening at Calvin Estate, Luskintyre the Maitland Business Chamber hosted their annual Men’s Health charity fund raising event “The Men’s Health Gala 2021”.
The gala event raised $8,250.00 to be shared between Beyond Blue and the Maitland Community Men’s Shed.
This year, the Maitland Business Chamber chose to focus on importance of Mental Health for men in the Maitland Business Community. With the incredible strain the global pandemic has placed on the business community, the importance of breaking down the stigma of mental health has never been more relevant.
80 local business leaders joined the Maitland Business Chamber for a night of fundraising with raffles, an auction, music, excellent food & wine and to listen to special guest speakers: Garth Russell, Craig Killian & Chakyl Camal.