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August Event Summary – What Makes Them Tick

The Maitland Business Chamber were proud to present our latest networking lunch “What Makes Them Tick? – Understanding Generation Z in the Workplace”.
The event was held in the beautiful Evans Room, Maitland Town Hall on August 22, 2024.
The presentation from Matt Taylor of Heart HR hit on some key themes and hot issues for all employers when employing and engaging Gen Z. The event was a sell out with overwhelming demand for tickets.
Big thank you also to our Gold Sponsor Youth Express – without sponsors these events would not exist.
We were also lucky enough to have Jason Hoffman, Newcastle Jets and all-round A-League legend attend and provide some free tickets and one of his signed A League jerseys as lucky door prizes. Watch this space as the Jets men and women teams start to call Maitland home.
The event also offered an opportunity to farewell Kate Meyn-Shrimpton our administrator who has been helping to organise Chamber events and support our members for the best part of five years. President Michael Maffey spoke on behalf of the MBC Executive and wider membership in wishing Kate every success in her new role and thanking her for her wonderful service.
The MBC looks forward to seeing you all at our 27 September networking lunch at East Maitland Bowling Club. The theme Mentally Safe will explore the psychosocial hazards that affect work environments. Lunch will be followed by casual barefoot bowls. Get your tickets here.