Newcastle Workplace Consultation and Health and Safety Representative Forum

Categories: Uncategorised, Upcoming EventsPublished On: June 6th, 20241.9 min read

SafeWork NSW is hosting a free Workplace Consultation and Health and Safety Representative Forum in Newcastle on Wednesday 3 July.

All businesses and organisations are invited to attend and hear the latest information on workplace health and safety. Light refreshments will also be provided.
Event details:

9am – 1pm Wednesday 3 July 2024
Souths Merewether
46 Llewellyn Street, Merewether

Newcastle: Workplace Consultation and Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Forums | SafeWork NSW

Know your legal requirements

Consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of managing work health and safety risks.

Consulting with your workers allows them to actively promote and engage in workplace safety and help you develop solutions to manage risks. You can consult with workers directly or through an employee acting as a Health and Safety Representative (HSR).

About the forum

This forum is an opportunity for workers and HSRs to develop their skills, network with others and receive important updates about workplace consultation and safety.

  • Attendees will learn how to manage psychosocial hazards – bullying, work overload and violence – and how to prevent sexual harassment.
  • Practical workshops will look at common workplace harms ­- falls, forklifts and plant, and electrical safety – and how to manage them.

Share with your workers and colleagues

Share this information with your workers and nominate a representative to attend. Registrations are now open, and places are limited.