Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service
Member Profile
Since 1975 ‘community’ has been at the heart of our Service, it’s why we’ve long been proudly known as the “Community’s Own” Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
For 50 years, thanks to the generosity and support from people right across Northern NSW, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter has grown to become a vital 24-7 aeromedical operation. Community fundraising and strong partnerships has always been integral to ensuring the quality, reliability and sustainability of our operations continue. Every life we save and every person we assist, provides a reminder of the critical role we play in our community.
Contact Details
Our Committee
The leadership of Maitland Business Chamber comprises an elected board of up to 12 members including the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Executive Members who commit on a voluntary basis.
Our Charter
We adhere to the values of Integrity, Strong leadership, Improvement and Development, Excellence and Innovation, Transparency and the highest standards of Professionalism and Ethics
Can Do Business
We provide comprehensive and ongoing support to local businesses in the Maitland region by lobbying all levels of Government, representing the local business community and connecting businesses within and outside our region.