Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd
Member Profile
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd have been offering safety.
training since 2011 and has grown into a competitive organisation
that provides a variety of safety services to the Oil and Gas, Mining,
Construction, Utilities & Public Sectors.
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd (RTO 41033) offers a wide range of
Nationally Accredited safety courses across Australia and overseas including.
Papua New Guinea, Laos (SE Asia) & Singapore.
Our training services include:
• Nationally Recognised Training
• Face-to-face training
• Custom training designed for large or small organisations
• Recognition of prior learning services
• Training needs analysis
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd have an extensive sales
range of safety equipment and workplace essentials from highly
regarded suppliers. We provide a quality service department for
servicing, inspections and repair of safety equipment. Our teams’
vast knowledge base and decades of experience is continuously
utilised in both the public and private sectors for consultancy and
safety/rescue services.
John Owen is the Managing Director of Newcastle Rescue &
Consultancy Pty Ltd. John has an extensive military background prior
to serving with the NSW Emergency Services. John has many years
of experience both training and working in the industries that are
listed on our scope.
Vision Statement
To give workers the adequate skills and knowledge to work safely
within the workplace and return home at the end of their shift.
Mission Statement
Continuously improving workplace safety practices for all industries
through our knowledge, experience and professionalism.
Contact Details
Our Committee
The leadership of Maitland Business Chamber comprises an elected board of up to 12 members including the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Executive Members who commit on a voluntary basis.
Our Charter
We adhere to the values of Integrity, Strong leadership, Improvement and Development, Excellence and Innovation, Transparency and the highest standards of Professionalism and Ethics
Can Do Business
We provide comprehensive and ongoing support to local businesses in the Maitland region by lobbying all levels of Government, representing the local business community and connecting businesses within and outside our region.